The Paws that Refreshes

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How to Stop Being Selfish

Everyone is selfish from time to time. It's part of human nature, but if you do it too much people could easily get fed up with you.

1, Listen. There is a big different from hearing something and letting something go in one ear and out the other and actually listening to what people have to say.

2. Don't interrupt people. Let them finish their sentence, your points can always wait. If it's urgent (like if you have to leave) say "excuse me".

3. Remember birthdays.

4. Keep in touch with your friends and relatives.

5. Be honest and loyal.

6. Consider the advice people in your life give you. Take it if it makes sense.

7. If you have to ask someone for a favor, offer to do something for them in return.

8. Compliment other people. Don't just go on about how great you are.

9. Make sure to be considerate and include everyone you know and/or like when inviting people to parties and events. No one likes to be left out.

10. Be on time. If at all possible, call if you know you are going to be late.


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