The Paws that Refreshes

Thursday, November 30, 2006

From Far Away.....

My friend, Mike, sent me the following Thanksgiving Greeting and asked that I pass along good wishes to everyone in East Point. Rather than just pass on the greetings, I'll share the correspondence with you.

"Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Dear Kitty.

Please pass a Happy Day back there from me please.

Today, I was carving Turkey and working the line feeding folks from
1100 hrs to 1130hrs today wishing a few hundred folks a Happy and Blessed day.
Than I had dinner with 7 Iraqi Engineers from the city of Baghdad staff and
some of my staff. It was fun explaining our traditions of why we celebrate this
day. As we are not drinking wine and beer in Iraq, I did have a bottle of
Welch's sparking white grape juice. What a way to help digest a good meal....
not!! It was very tart and had me and the Iraqis grinning. This was followed
by a bowl of ice cream and a bit of chocolate sauce.

We than walked around the dining facility shouting well wishes and I
had another dessert with a few other folks. And time for photos with many of
the troops and civilians here.

The Command Sergeant Major and I visited combat support hospital (CSH)
to wish the doctors and nurses well. Many were at my carving station so
we talked about my fine culinary skills ... not. But we did laugh.

There were about 4 soldiers who were brought in over the course of the
night from IED attacks and a mortar round. They had all their limbs, that
was good, but many holes in their bodies. They were from New York, Iowa,
Oregon and Texas. There were all awake but in pain and should be sent to the
US soon.

Last night, I had diner with the Secretaries of the Army and Navy,
along with General Casey and the rest of the staff. He has a wonderful cook, best
meal I have had in quite a while - Cornish game hens, with all the trimmings
and some iced tea. The travel by helicopters required a battle vest,
helmet, pistol and ammo, ballistic glasses and earplugs which were all shed
when we arrive at Gen Casey's. I have not been w/o my sidearm since I have
first arrived and felt somewhat awkward without the shoulder holster but I
guest I could trust the Secretary.... What stark difference from night travel
with chinstrap cinched tight to Cornish game hens...

Again Happy Thanksgiving and God bless.




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